quinta-feira, 13 de agosto de 2009


Amanhã há programa especial!

A webzine Allscandinavian.com e o SVEN juntaram-se para uma emissão especial em que o alinhamento foi pensado e criado por Peter Krogholm, fundador e editor do site.
Será uma hora com música de todos os países da Escandinávia, Ilhas Feroe incluídas. Para além de cobrir todos os países nórdicos, este alinhamento também passa por uma boa variedade de géneros, por isso conto que gregos, troianos, escandinavos e portugueses saiam agradados.

O Peter Krogholm deixa uma mensagem aos ouvintes do SVEN:

"Greetings SVEN listeners,
Peter from allscandinavian.com here, thanking João for the opportunity to present an hour’s worth of Scandinavian music for you all. The trip begins in Sweden and will round the Faroe Islands, Norway, Finland, Iceland and my native Denmark presenting a mix of upcoming and more established artists.

João has made it a little hard on me the past weeks, playing many of the artists I’d initially imagined should be included, among them Delay Trees, Olafur Arnalds, Troels Abrahamsen, Choir Of Young Believers and Jonathan Johansson. But hey, that’s just an opportunity to present acts and songs he hasn’t gotten around to yet...

You realize how short an hour is, when you have to cover six countries and several different genres. It’s been a tough and unfair task to cut down, but here it is: Some new and some blasts from the immediate past, but perhaps new to you - either way, it’s artists I and my wingman Thomas feel everybody should hear at least once.

Hope you'll enjoy it!"

E já agora, espreitem lá o site dos Boa Constrictor: www.boaconstrictor.com

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